I better walk faster

*Please remember that my walking/swimming/running/biking is – VIRTUAL – walk/swim/run/bike. This is a visual tool to keep me motivated while working out.*

I walked 5.4 miles yesterday. My total miles so far is 46.9, which means I still have 3,798.87 miles to go. If you look at the picture you will see I am in Lake Michigan, I don’t like to swim in open water so I better walk more, but hey I already swam across Lake Winnebago, so Lake Michigan can not be that bad right?

I was going to work some more on Crazy Dreams, but the book The First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones caught my attention, so I curled up in bed and read instead. So far the book is AWESOME!! I did not want to put it down at all, but I did have to go to work today.

Daily word count:

Lucian’s Angel ~first in the Angel’s of Purgatory Series~ –47,428

Freedom Weekend — 4,435

Leviathan’s Angel ~second in the Angel’s of Purgatory Series –7,669

Cathal & Isis ~first in the Gods and Goddess reborn series~ –14,925

Crazy Dreams ~Short stories of visions, dreams and nightmares~ –8,106